Monday, April 30, 2007

One Spring Day


This is the kit that I used for my Round LO, I really like how this one turned out this time. I am hoping to have another small kit posted by Thursday of this week. By making these kits I am learning more and more about my pse5 program. I just got to get used to makeing the embellishments for the kits. I got the inspiration for the colors from the picture of my kids playing at the playground the pic in the round LO.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

LO I done

This is kit I am working on now, a friend from SAS gave me a link and I had to try it and decided to do a LO with the kit I am planning to post as a freebie on Monday. So I hope that it post alright. These are my 2 kids they are having fun at the playground this day, enjoying the beautiful weather.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My first attempt


Ok here is my first attempt at making a small digital sbing kit, nothing big. Please let me know if you have any problems with downloading, for I am still learning how this stuff works.

Good Thursday Morning

I add some of my favorite sites I like to visit, some are digital and some are for paper scrapping, great places to visit and get inspiration and some encouragement when needed. I know I need the encouragement at times because I am my worst critic when it comes to my work.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Some Cards and 1st Altered item I made tonight

I got some cards done today used some sketches that are on the net and really luv using sketches for the days my brain is not wanting to be creative, I really enjoy making cards as well as make LO's. There are things I have not tried yet and well as soon as I can like using paint and alcohol inking and the list is long. Well I did make something for the first time and that is the altering something. it was fun but not sure if I like my first try at it. Now off to alter a paint can or a lunch box tin.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I have been playing around with my blog today while. Changing it up a bit, I kind-of like this style better. Maybe well keep it for a while. I might end up changing it around again soon, will have to wait and see.

I have been working on my PSE5.0 and learned more things today, like making my own brushes, and other things. So much fun and after getting a headache trying to figure somethings out on it. So much to learn, I don't think I will learn everything soon though.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hi there

Well I am having a harder time getting this going then expected, but oh well I will get there soon, I hope.

My first love is paper Scrap booking, I am not very good at it but I love all the papers and embellishments and stickers and and and. The list is forever long. I will not ever give up my Paper Scrap Booking but come on there is pictures I know I won't get printed out, thank goodness for digital cameras, I can take a lot of pictures and only print out what I want and put the rest on disk, right. Well thanks to my Mom introducing me to a free program I tried it and found out I like that idea of making my own CD albums with those pictures that are not that good but don't want to get rid of them.

Have a Nice day everyone

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I am new at this blog thing and I am hoping that this will be an enjoyable experience for me.

My hopes are that since I am new to digital scrap-booking I will be giving out freebies and posting my own paper and digital scrap pages. But first have to learn all the ins and outs.

Well, check in once and awhile to see what I have done.